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A Brief Interlude

June 8, 2021

Steven McCormack

What you are witnessing here is a classic case of 'do as I say, not as I do'. A timely lesson, I suppose; I clearly have much to learn from my own writing. Hence my internal audit. That may take a few more days however, so do bear with me. In the meantime I will splurge more nonsense (in total contradiction to pursue quality over quantity). A good mental clearout, I'm tellling myself. For your reading pleasure.

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Friday Reflections, Volume XIII

June 4, 2021

Steven McCormack

As my writing improves I feel more confident to take on subjects that have always truly interested me. Markets. Finance. Politics. People. I won't pretend to be a technical analyst or policy geek. I'll leave that to the real experts. Instead, I'll be interweaving the big themes. By knowing how the cogs turn we can master the machine.

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Welcome to Nixonland

June 3, 2021

Steven McCormack

So what is his legacy? It is more significant, and more subtle, than you might think. The Watergate scandal etched his name in history. 'Nixon Goes to China' was a political masterstroke. But the key decision, one that is touched only briefly in the book, took place in 1971. In that tumultuous year Nixon decoupled the US dollar from gold.

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Writing To Build

June 1, 2021

Steven McCormack

If I am no longer writing to heal, then what the hell am I writing about? The answer has literally just popped into my head, travelled down my arms, exited via my fingers, and arrived onto my keyboard. It seems so obvious now. This is being filmed live, unscripted and in full technicolour, folks. I am documenting my own journey to a much better place.

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Friday Reflections, Volume XII

May 28, 2021

Steven McCormack

This site creates a cosmic flywheel. It generates an energy and motivation that is now spilling over into other parts of my life. Until very recently I utterly cherished the limited time I had to write. I'd wrap up a post with a sigh, knowing I had to return to a tired, greying corporate world. It felt like my real life extended to only 30% of my waking hours. Now I bring the colour of creativity into all parts of my day.

It's all Greek to Me
August 6, 2021
Steven McCormack

Another Vervaeke inspired musing, folks. This time over four Greek words I have been introduced to, thanks to his series; Agape, Logos, Gnosis and Anagoge. The best way for me to explore these terms (or concepts even) is to relate them to my own investing and writing efforts. And before we begin, I must admit to borrowing heavily from other sources to help with the explanations (a big hat tip to Mark Mulvey and Andrew Seeney). So please bear with the heavy quoting. On that bombshell, let's roll.

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Your Money's no Good Here!
July 30, 2021
Steven McCormack

All is not what it seems, especially when you develop a strange fascination with assets, Nixon and monetary history. Jack attempts to settle his bill with a dollar from 1980 (when the film was released). But the barman, a figment of the 1920s, does not equate Jack's money with his own. How so? The clue is in the name; The Gold Room. The barman cannot accept 1980 dollars because they are a very different beast to 1920s dollars; they are no longer redeemable in gold.

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Building Better Business
August 21, 2020
Steven McCormack

In its purest form, commerce acts as the great motivator, the ultimate mentor. We conduct our commercial affairs against a backdrop of economic and trading uncertainty. Our decisions and behaviour are constantly pitted against known unknowns and unknown unknowns. We are drawn to ingenuity and innovation through the actions and presence of our competitors. We observe, learn from, and adapt to ever shifting risks and opportunities.

3 min read