

Consciousness is more than what we see; it’s what we choose to look at and how we engage with it. Attention is not just a lens but also a tool for shaping the world around us. When directed deliberately, it becomes a source of power and possibility. In this way, exploring consciousness mirrors the systemic thinking central to Long Curiosity. Just as Bitcoin’s structure redefined trust, the structure of our attention redefines how we experience life. The more aware we become of what we give our focus to, the more we uncover the deeper layers of our existence. Perhaps the question is no longer what is consciousness, but what will we do with it?



Consciousness: The Art of Attention
November 28, 2024
Consciousness is more than what we see; it’s what we choose to look at and how we engage with it. Attention is not just a lens but also a tool for shaping the world around us. When directed deliberately, it becomes a source of power and possibility. In this way, exploring consciousness mirrors the systemic thinking central to Long Curiosity. Just as Bitcoin’s structure redefined trust, the structure of our attention redefines how we experience life. The more aware we become of what we give our focus to, the more we uncover the deeper layers of our existence. Perhaps the question is no longer what is consciousness, but what will we do with it?
1 min
Turning Thirty Three
March 24, 2022
There is one thing that evades me, however; proper interaction with others interested in this 'big picture' thinking. It reflects a prior reluctance on my part to share what I write, other than passively publishing on this site. That reluctance is beginning to fade (thankfully), as I reach firmer conclusions about who I am (an investing, thinky type) and what I have to offer (legible English, quirky subjects and half decent interweb skills). It explains why I have a 'contributors' page. This ain't meant to be a one man mission!
1 min
Friday Reflections, Volume XVII
October 15, 2021
As a node operator, my understanding of Bitcoin has evolved significantly. A theoretical framework has been transformed into lived, practical experience. I monitor the Mempool to check on my Lightning channel status. I engage with other node operators to create liquidity swaps. I scroll through 1ML and Amboss to find other Lightning peers. I collect sats for routing payments. It is a vivid demonstration of my previous notion; that Bitcoin, and by extension its timechain, may just be the the final word on financial freedom.
All Things Bitcoin; An Introduction
July 17, 2021
First, let's give our journey a name; All Things Bitcoin sounds about right. And where will we go? I'm sure this will chop and change, but the broad direction is clear. Start with the fundamentals. Explain how this darn BTC thing works. Then gradually weave this monetary phenomenon into wider questions about business, politics, life etc. etc. I have already visited some of these themes, but now I return with a fresh perspective.
2 mins
The Focus Question
July 6, 2021
I know where I'll be directing my mental faculties. But I'll also be exposing myself to optionality too. I can't guarantee how all this pans out, and neither can you. I express that by holding (very) nominal amounts of the other projects in this space. In the event they become flavour of the month - then I recycle that good fortune straight back into the asset I have most faith in; Bitcoin.