

Consciousness is more than what we see; it’s what we choose to look at and how we engage with it. Attention is not just a lens but also a tool for shaping the world around us. When directed deliberately, it becomes a source of power and possibility. In this way, exploring consciousness mirrors the systemic thinking central to Long Curiosity. Just as Bitcoin’s structure redefined trust, the structure of our attention redefines how we experience life. The more aware we become of what we give our focus to, the more we uncover the deeper layers of our existence. Perhaps the question is no longer what is consciousness, but what will we do with it?



3 mins
The Great Crypto Schism
November 23, 2021
For a few weeks now I've been trying to establish a clear worldview on the wider Crypto landscape. Y'see, I'm fairly settled on the epic store-of-value proposition that is Bitcoin. I've dived into the gory details, gained some practical skills, and completely overindulged in the 24/7 debates sparked in Twitterland. And just like a BTC-Big Mac in El Salvador, it all feels rather warm, gooey.....and potentially fatal. So to address this intellectual comfort, I must stress-test my understanding of Bitcoin. I must fuel my curiosity by casting a wider net.