

Consciousness is more than what we see; it’s what we choose to look at and how we engage with it. Attention is not just a lens but also a tool for shaping the world around us. When directed deliberately, it becomes a source of power and possibility. In this way, exploring consciousness mirrors the systemic thinking central to Long Curiosity. Just as Bitcoin’s structure redefined trust, the structure of our attention redefines how we experience life. The more aware we become of what we give our focus to, the more we uncover the deeper layers of our existence. Perhaps the question is no longer what is consciousness, but what will we do with it?



All Things Bitcoin; An Introduction
July 17, 2021
First, let's give our journey a name; All Things Bitcoin sounds about right. And where will we go? I'm sure this will chop and change, but the broad direction is clear. Start with the fundamentals. Explain how this darn BTC thing works. Then gradually weave this monetary phenomenon into wider questions about business, politics, life etc. etc. I have already visited some of these themes, but now I return with a fresh perspective.
2 mins
The Focus Question
July 6, 2021
I know where I'll be directing my mental faculties. But I'll also be exposing myself to optionality too. I can't guarantee how all this pans out, and neither can you. I express that by holding (very) nominal amounts of the other projects in this space. In the event they become flavour of the month - then I recycle that good fortune straight back into the asset I have most faith in; Bitcoin.
1 min
Friday Reflections, Volume XIV
June 18, 2021
What I really want to demonstrate is the McCormack brand of thinking. The 'how' just as much as the 'what'. I can express my mental machinations in one post, and explore digital property rights in another. What remains consistent however is the aesthetic and the approach. Enthusiastic enquiry in a crisp written format. Never too long. Rarely too short. And presented in a clean and tidy context.
1 min
A Very Public Rebute
June 12, 2021
In writing to build, I mentioned about 'seeing the world as it is, and not as it ought to be'. What a crock of shit. That is not building better. Or thinking better. It is certainly not progression. By limiting myself to what I can observe only in the here and now, I deny myself the joy of dreaming. And as an eternal optimist, that just ain't gonna cut it.
Untitled (Interpol)
May 25, 2021
2004 was a very different world. A physical CD. A plastic case. A paper booklet. In the 17 years since we have complete transformed how we consume music. Really makes you wonder what the next 17 years has in store for us. What the hell will be doing in 2038?
1 min
Friday Reflections, Volume XI
May 21, 2021
Each post that I write helps to develop my mindset, even if they are a bit of a rabble sometimes. But I am thinking better. I am building better. And it is there for everyone to see. Some weeks I will go off in a very personal tangent. Others I will cast my gaze externally, musing about the world around me.
2 mins
Friday Reflections, Volume X
May 14, 2021
That's Big News (for moi at least). I have unlocked an intrinsic motivation; to splurge nonsense on the interwebs. That is my truth. For many years I've struggled with consistency of output. I just get bored after a little while, y'know? Once a process/format/system/website/structure is built and settled upon, I lose interest in the operational side of things.