July 17, 2021
First, let's give our journey a name; All Things Bitcoin sounds about right. And where will we go? I'm sure this will chop and change, but the broad direction is clear. Start with the fundamentals. Explain how this darn BTC thing works. Then gradually weave this monetary phenomenon into wider questions about business, politics, life etc. etc. I have already visited some of these themes, but now I return with a fresh perspective.
July 16, 2021
I'm giving the floor to a two and a half hour epic from 2018, starring Grant Williams and Anthony Deden. It is a true masterclass in the investing long game. And filmed in a gorgeous Swiss setting for good measure. I could condense Anthony's outlook into neat soundbites, but that would be doing zero justice to the timeless wisdom on display. Instead I highlight his key preferences; assets that exhibit scarcity, endurance and independence.
July 12, 2021
I offer you an initial eyebrow raiser. A different perspective on monetary matters. An exercise in public learning. But you should always, always consult with the real experts who know your personal circumstances. You wouldn't (or shouldn't) buy a house based on some words you find on the internet. So please don't put at risk your precious savings based solely on anything you find here. On that basis we shall proceed.
July 6, 2021
I know where I'll be directing my mental faculties. But I'll also be exposing myself to optionality too. I can't guarantee how all this pans out, and neither can you. I express that by holding (very) nominal amounts of the other projects in this space. In the event they become flavour of the month - then I recycle that good fortune straight back into the asset I have most faith in; Bitcoin.
July 1, 2021
I no longer see regular posting as an achievement. That represents real, glorious progress. Writing is now baked into my personal pie; it is something that I just do. Little effort is expended in getting started, which means I can focus more on content structure and grammar. There is now less musing about personal motivation - and more articulating on the world around me.
In a nutshell, I had never thought about the process of my work. I had never thought about the joy that can come from 'doing'.