

I've unwittingly lived my adult life with the deep, sharp fear that scarred my early childhood and teenage life. I've been left exhausted by an absence of trust, a gnawing uncertainty and frankly, a toxic co-mingling of physical violence and love. This has only brought unnecessary suffering; to myself and to those that I love. I have avoided actions that would bring much joy into our world, preferring instead to exist in a cognitive 'safe mode' and emotional isolation. I have clung oh-so tightly to familiar and unhealthy patterns, partly as a rough and worn comfort blanket - but mostly because the alternative meant getting closer to others. And that fucking terrified me.



3 mins
All Things Bitcoin; Incentive Structure
August 13, 2021
Property rights are established by consensus. Time and energy is converted into security. Transactions are transparent. This creates a formidable flywheel; legitimacy encouraging growth, which in turn generates trust, resulting in more legitimacy. And so on. But Bitcoin cannot survive alone on impressive technical credentials. After all, there is a cost to all of this auditing, blocking and chaining. So for the flywheel to keep spinning, we must introduce an economic reward for participation.
All Things Bitcoin; Under The Hood
August 10, 2021
In essence, Bitcoin is the perfect marriage between long established record-keeping systems, cryptographic genius and networked computing. Add a sprinkling of economic incentive (scarcity, mining, fees) and we have something rather tangible. But it can still take a leap of faith to imagine a bunch of ones and zeros as the basis for our financial future. For me it clicked when I (rightly or wrongly) visualised Bitcoin as a far more sophisticated version of Kazaa or LimeWire; a peer-to-peer network for payments rather than music.
All Things Bitcoin; What's in a Name?
August 4, 2021
Bitcoin could do with a gentle reframing. An association with something a little more familiar. Bitcoin, in my humble opinion, is a digital asset. A far less defensive term, don't ya think? In the early days, Bitcoin had to fight for recognition. It really needed to get straight to the point. Cryptocurrency is safe! Cryptocurrency is secure! This marketing strategy has succeeded beyond anyone's wildest expectations. With Bitcoin now firmly established, it can afford to feel more confident.
1 min
Your Money's no Good Here!
July 30, 2021
All is not what it seems, especially when you develop a strange fascination with assets, Nixon and monetary history. Jack attempts to settle his bill with a dollar from 1980 (when the film was released). But the barman, a figment of the 1920s, does not equate Jack's money with his own. How so? The clue is in the name; The Gold Room. The barman cannot accept 1980 dollars because they are a very different beast to 1920s dollars; they are no longer redeemable in gold.
All Things Bitcoin; An Introduction
July 17, 2021
First, let's give our journey a name; All Things Bitcoin sounds about right. And where will we go? I'm sure this will chop and change, but the broad direction is clear. Start with the fundamentals. Explain how this darn BTC thing works. Then gradually weave this monetary phenomenon into wider questions about business, politics, life etc. etc. I have already visited some of these themes, but now I return with a fresh perspective.
Anthony in the Alps
July 16, 2021
I'm giving the floor to a two and a half hour epic from 2018, starring Grant Williams and Anthony Deden. It is a true masterclass in the investing long game. And filmed in a gorgeous Swiss setting for good measure. I could condense Anthony's outlook into neat soundbites, but that would be doing zero justice to the timeless wisdom on display. Instead I highlight his key preferences; assets that exhibit scarcity, endurance and independence.
1 min
Friday Reflections, Volume XVI
July 12, 2021
I offer you an initial eyebrow raiser. A different perspective on monetary matters. An exercise in public learning. But you should always, always consult with the real experts who know your personal circumstances. You wouldn't (or shouldn't) buy a house based on some words you find on the internet. So please don't put at risk your precious savings based solely on anything you find here. On that basis we shall proceed.