

I've unwittingly lived my adult life with the deep, sharp fear that scarred my early childhood and teenage life. I've been left exhausted by an absence of trust, a gnawing uncertainty and frankly, a toxic co-mingling of physical violence and love. This has only brought unnecessary suffering; to myself and to those that I love. I have avoided actions that would bring much joy into our world, preferring instead to exist in a cognitive 'safe mode' and emotional isolation. I have clung oh-so tightly to familiar and unhealthy patterns, partly as a rough and worn comfort blanket - but mostly because the alternative meant getting closer to others. And that fucking terrified me.



2 mins
The Focus Question

July 6, 2021

I know where I'll be directing my mental faculties. But I'll also be exposing myself to optionality too. I can't guarantee how all this pans out, and neither can you. I express that by holding (very) nominal amounts of the other projects in this space. In the event they become flavour of the month - then I recycle that good fortune straight back into the asset I have most faith in; Bitcoin.

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Friday Reflections, Volume XV

July 1, 2021

I no longer see regular posting as an achievement. That represents real, glorious progress. Writing is now baked into my personal pie; it is something that I just do. Little effort is expended in getting started, which means I can focus more on content structure and grammar. There is now less musing about personal motivation - and more articulating on the world around me.

1 min
Friday Reflections, Volume XIV

June 18, 2021

What I really want to demonstrate is the McCormack brand of thinking. The 'how' just as much as the 'what'. I can express my mental machinations in one post, and explore digital property rights in another. What remains consistent however is the aesthetic and the approach. Enthusiastic enquiry in a crisp written format. Never too long. Rarely too short. And presented in a clean and tidy context.

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A Very Public Rebute

June 12, 2021

In writing to build, I mentioned about 'seeing the world as it is, and not as it ought to be'. What a crock of shit. That is not building better. Or thinking better. It is certainly not progression. By limiting myself to what I can observe only in the here and now, I deny myself the joy of dreaming. And as an eternal optimist, that just ain't gonna cut it.

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A Brief Interlude

June 8, 2021

What you are witnessing here is a classic case of 'do as I say, not as I do'. A timely lesson, I suppose; I clearly have much to learn from my own writing. Hence my internal audit. That may take a few more days however, so do bear with me. In the meantime I will splurge more nonsense (in total contradiction to pursue quality over quantity). A good mental clearout, I'm tellling myself. For your reading pleasure.

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Friday Reflections, Volume XIII

June 4, 2021

As my writing improves I feel more confident to take on subjects that have always truly interested me. Markets. Finance. Politics. People. I won't pretend to be a technical analyst or policy geek. I'll leave that to the real experts. Instead, I'll be interweaving the big themes. By knowing how the cogs turn we can master the machine.

2 mins
Writing To Build

June 1, 2021

If I am no longer writing to heal, then what the hell am I writing about? The answer has literally just popped into my head, travelled down my arms, exited via my fingers, and arrived onto my keyboard. It seems so obvious now. This is being filmed live, unscripted and in full technicolour, folks. I am documenting my own journey to a much better place.